
There will be a web programming competition

02.07.2021 11:39 323 review

The WorldSkills Azerbaijan platform will hold a nationwide web programming competition on July 12-13.


According to the State Agency for Vocational Education, the competition to be held at the Baku State Vocational Education Center for Industry and Innovation will be the first competition in our country in the WorldSkills format. The test task and evaluation criteria of the competition will be determined on the basis of WorldSkills professional standards. Those wishing to participate in the competition must register by July 5.


Young people under the age of 21 can participate in the competition. The young people registered in the preliminary selection stage, called "Speed ​​test", will answer questions on web programming skills online on July 6. In the final stage, those who show high results in the preliminary selection stage will perform practical tasks on modules such as "front-end", "back-end" and "CMS / Wordpress".


The winners will have the opportunity to get an internship at ATL Tech and ATL Academy, the main sponsors of the competition, to study in various programs, and to win valuable prizes. At the same time, they will be able to represent Azerbaijan in the international competition organized by WorldSkills Asia.


It should be noted that WorldSkills Azerbaijan is a national platform for the development of professionalism and skills. Azerbaijan joined the WorldSkills movement in 2020, which promotes professional skills at the international level. The WorldSkills platform, which is known around the world as the organizer of Olympic competitions in various skills, provides an opportunity to train professionals in accordance with the requirements of the labor market and global standards, to integrate these standards into the education system.

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