
Admission to high schools and gymnasiums continues

31.05.2023 13:25 1154 review

For the 2023-2024 academic year, admission of students to a number of lyceums and gymnasiums located in Baku city and different regions of the country continues.

"Tehsil.biz" was told by the Ministry of Science and Education that applications for the said high schools and gymnasiums are accepted through the https://sy.edu.az portal. The application process will continue until June 6.

The parent (or legal representative) must select the center where the exam will be held by entering the "Place a request" section on the portal and clicking the "Admission with central exam" button. Students must first participate in a centralized entrance exam, and then choose the high school or gymnasium they want to study according to their score.

During the exam, students will be presented with tasks on the language of instruction and mathematics.

Admission of students to high schools and gymnasiums by classes will be held on the following dates:

∙ admission to grades VII and VIII on June 16, 2023 (for those currently studying in grades VI and VII);

∙ admission to VI classes on June 17, 2023 (for those currently studying in V class);

∙ Admission to classes V on June 18, 2023 (for those currently studying in class IV).

Below is a list of high schools and gymnasiums where the admission process will take place in a centralized manner. You can find detailed information about high schools and gymnasiums in the "Central examination high schools" section of the https://sy.edu.az electronic system.

Lyceums and gymnasiums provided with dormitories and canteens at the expense of the state:

- Baku city S.C. Peshavari gymnasium of humanitarian subjects;

- Baku city gymnasium named after A.S. Makarenko with a focus on humanitarian subjects;

- Foreign language oriented gymnasium named after S. Bahlulzade, Baku city;

- Baku city physics, mathematics and informatics oriented high school; - Baku city chemistry, biology oriented republican high school;

- Sheki city Chemistry, biology oriented high school;

- Chemistry, biology oriented high school in Shamkir city;

- Chemistry, biology-oriented high school in Shirvan city;

- Guba city physics, mathematics and informatics oriented high school;

- Ganja city physics, mathematics and informatics oriented high school;

- Aghdash city gymnasium named after M. Sheykhzade with a focus on humanities and natural sciences;

- Bilasuvar city technical school-high school;

- Ganja city foreign language oriented gymnasium.


- High school named after academician Zarifa Aliyeva, Baku city;

- technical and humanitarian high school number 16 of Baku city;

- Technical and humanitarian high school number 2 of Baku city;

- technical and humanitarian high school number 147 of Baku city;

- Technical and humanitarian high school of Baku city;

- Baku city ecology high school number 291;

- Baku City Secondary School No. 173;

- Foreign language oriented gymnasium named after S. Rustam, Baku city;

- Technical-humanitarian high school of Agstafa city;

- Shamakhi city Technical, humanitarian and nature oriented high school;

- Secondary school number 2 named after E.Abdullayev, Oguz city;

- Secondary school No. 16 named after S. Vurgun, Mingachevir city;

- School-lyceum number 6 named after S. Kazimbayov, Lankaran city;

- Sumgait city Talent high school;

- Sumgayit city technical and natural sciences high school named after N. Ganjavi;

- Sumgait city Tafakkur high school;

- Sumgayit city natural sciences oriented gymnasium;

- Gobustan city secondary school No. 2;

- Dafina school-high school in Masalli city.

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