
The report on "Electronic Literature Institute: realities and tasks" was heard

02.06.2023 11:06 1154 review

At the meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, the executive director of the institution, Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Mehman Hasanli's report on "Electronic Literature Institute: realities and tasks" was heard.

"Tehsil.biz" was informed about this by ANAS.

M. Hasanli noted in his report that the rapid development of digitalization and electronicization has created conditions for the emergence of a wide range of software for scientific exchange, and today the global networks and resources provided by the Internet act as the main tools for the presentation, promotion and determination of the quality factor of science. According to him, organizing work on academic platforms, creating electronic versions of magazines, promoting the Institute of Literature in the virtual space, compiling articles in the open encyclopedia "Wikipedia" are among the upcoming goals in terms of integrating the enterprise into the digital environment

M. Hasanli said that the participation of institute employees in "academia.edu" and "researchgate" academic social networks, "ORCID" and "Google scholar" was expanded with the implemented measures, and a corporate account of the Institute of Literature was created in "Google scholar". He pointed out that these steps will increase the number of references to the articles of our scientists and, as a result, increase the reputation of Azerbaijani humanitarian science in the world: "The most sensitive point of the points we mentioned about digitalization is related to electronic journals or the electronic version of our journals. In order for the journal to be included in any serious scientific databases, it is essential to have its electronic version. The "Electronic Academy" department of the Presidium of ANAS has agreed to receive DOI from the US company "Crossreif" centrally (that is, with the prefix belonging to ANAS). Initially, we established the cljournal.az website of the "Comparative literature" magazine operating at the Institute of Literature with new rules. "Electronic Academy" department gave us technical support in this case.

The scientist said that information about conferences, sessions, events, published books, monographs, participation of institute scientists in local and international conferences, symposiums and events held at the Institute of Literature is regularly presented to the public on the institution's literature.az website, social network accounts and YouTube.

M. Hasanli also informed about the organization of the work in the open encyclopedia "Wikipedia" and emphasized that 18 employees of the institute joined the training held at the Central Scientific Library of ANAS with the support of the "Electronic Academy" department, and they created more than 30 articles during the training: "In the future, electronic document circulation, building an electronic library is one of our goals", he concluded his speech.

The head of the "Electronic Academy" department of the Presidium of ANAS, Ph.D. in mathematics, associate professor Fariz Imranov, highly appreciated the presented report and said that the results achieved in a short period of time in the field of expanding the network of electronic services at the Institute of Literature are commendable and exemplary. He said that the department he leads is ready to provide the necessary support to achieve the goals set by the Institute of Literature in the field of electronic services.


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