
The results of the interview stage of the library recruitment competition have been announced

21.07.2023 10:04 1997 review

The results of the candidates who participated in the interview stage of the competition for recruitment to libraries held on July 4-14, 2023 for the purpose of filling vacant positions in libraries in the system of the Ministry of Culture have been announced.

The ministry told "Tehsil.biz" that out of 108 candidates who registered for the vacant positions announced by the Ministry of Culture to participate in the interview stage, 104 participated in the exam, 30 of them obtained the required passing score, and 25 were appointed to the respective positions they chose. 5 people were added to the list of reserve personnel.

People who have a complaint about the results can apply to the Appeals Council of the Ministry via the e-mail address [email protected] on July 20-24, 2023.

The results of the interview can be found at the following link:


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