
In August, 208 diplomas were recognized

09.09.2021 13:25 584 review

The Agency for Quality Assurance in Education has released statistics on applications for recognition for August.

According to Tehsil.biz, in August, 208 out of 281 applicants were approved and relevant certificates were issued, while the appeals of 73 people ended in a negative decision.

Applications from 15 people due to insufficient training in the country of study, 27 due to unsatisfactory level of knowledge of the language of instruction, 19 due to non-payment of the minimum period required in the country of study, and 12 due to other reasons ended with a negative decision.

Looking at the number of appeals by country, there are 94 appeals from Russia, 72 from Ukraine, 62 from Turkey, 18 from Georgia, 8 from the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, and 27 from other countries.

As for the most popular specialties, 36 were registered in medicine, 30 in law, 25 in economics, 14 in management and 13 in business administration.

It should be noted that the average review period of the documents was 23 days.

Citizens can apply to the website www.taninma.az for recognition of foreign higher education specialties.

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