
THE MINISTRY ISSUED AN APPEAL regarding the month of Muharram

03.08.2022 10:08 506 review

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) appealed to the citizens regarding the month of Muharram and the day of Ashura.

According to "Tehsil.biz", the application states:

"In the month of Muharram, which started on July 30 of this year, including on the day of "Ashura" which falls on August 8, religious ceremonies should be held only in mosques, shrines and their respective territories in accordance with the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Freedom of Religion".

All necessary measures are taken for the safety of the participants of the ceremony, their easy access to mosques, and their free and unhindered performance of religious rituals.

At the same time, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that in view of the need to ensure the epidemiological safety of the population, it is recommended to organize ceremonies in accordance with sanitary norms. Situations that endanger the lives of pedestrians and other road users and may cause traffic jams should not be allowed.

Expressing our deep respect for people's freedom of religious belief, we call on our citizens to accept this appeal with understanding, and we also state that the mentioned demands and recommendations serve to protect the life, health, rights, freedoms, legal interests and peaceful life of every person."

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