
Today, the kindergarten recruitment test will be held

29.08.2022 10:33 592 review

Today, the test stage of the competition for the recruitment of tutors-teachers to preschool educational institutions will be started.

According to "Tehsil.biz", 5,488 candidates will participate in the competition, which will be held in Baku, Sumgait, Ganja, Yevlakh, Mingechevir cities and Salyan region in total 9 exam centers.

In the test exams, each candidate will be presented with 40 questions related to content and methodology, 20 questions related to pedagogical and psychological approaches. Candidates have 120 minutes to answer the test questions. At this stage, each of the test tasks related to content and methodology, as well as pedagogical and psychological approaches will be counted as 1 point.

A total of 60 points evaluation system will be applied. According to the rules, each incorrectly answered test task related to the content and methodology, as well as pedagogical and psychological approaches, will be calculated as -0.25 points and will affect the candidate's exam result.

Candidates must attend the exam on the date and place mentioned on their personal page. Candidates who are late for the registration process will not be allowed into the examination hall.

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