
Employees of a Kindergarten in Agstafa Complain About Their Director - Serious Accusations Arise

06.10.2024 05:13 487 review

In the Agstafa region, allegations have been made regarding the misuse of authority by the director of a kindergarten.

According to Tehsil.biz, the first kindergarten in the Vurghun settlement of Agstafa has halted operations for repairs. The educational facility is undergoing major renovations, and the staff, along with the children, have taken refuge in an old building owned by a local resident. The conditions there are reported to be poor, with the premises housing various animals, including chickens, dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, and pigeons. Children are being educated in these conditions.

The accusations center around Fatapur Afaq, the director of the kindergarten. Several employees claim that the director has abused her authority, leading to arbitrary decisions.

A complainant, Aygül Rahimova, stated that the director dismissed her without any justification. According to her, the trade union was unaware of this decision, and a formal document regarding the dismissal was provided. Currently, the former employee, who has also been deprived of her vacation rights, reports that she has reached out to law enforcement and other relevant bodies regarding the matter.

Səidə Məmmədova, the seasonal caretaker of the kindergarten, indicated that she applied for a vacancy as a cleaner in the institution but received an unjustified rejection from the director.

Another alarming claim was made by Gülnur Quliyeva, the facility's economic manager. She alleges that the director forged signatures by replicating the signature of one of her employees on invoices.

We attempted to get a comment from the aforementioned director, but Fatapur Afaq refused to speak in front of the camera.

Nəcibə Vəliyeva, the head of the Press Service of the Qazakh-Tovuz Regional Education Department, stated that an investigation is underway concerning the director, who has been the subject of various allegations.

"Appropriate measures will be taken depending on the outcome of the investigation," she said. According to her, the kindergarten was closed for repairs on September 16, 2024. To ensure the continuity of the educational process during the renovations, the kindergarten was temporarily relocated to another building in the settlement in agreement with relevant organizations.

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